How to Fix ‘The Authorization Header is Missing’ in WordPress Site Health

I’ve come across this issue more times than I’d like to admit, both on my own WordPress sites and when helping out clients. You head into your WordPress Site Health tool, expecting to see a glowing green checkmark, only to find a nagging complaint: “The Authorization Header is Missing.” Don’t panic—it’s usually more of a server configuration hiccup than a massive security breach.

So, what’s going on here? In simple terms, the Authorization header carries key information needed for features like Application Passwords, REST API calls, or certain authentication methods. If your server or hosting environment strips this header before it reaches WordPress, the platform can’t verify requests as intended, triggering that dreaded message.

To fix this, I typically head straight for the .htaccess file. Since most WordPress installs run on Apache (or at least Apache-compatible) servers, .htaccess provides a convenient hook to pass along Authorization headers. Start by making a backup of your current .htaccess file—just in case. Then, open it up and add the following snippet right before the # END WordPress line:


<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>

RewriteEngine On

RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]


What this does is instruct Apache to capture the incoming Authorization header and explicitly set it as an environment variable. In plain English, it’s telling your server, “Hey, don’t drop that header—pass it along to WordPress, please!” After adding this and saving the file, revisit your Site Health screen. Often, that missing header message disappears, leaving you with a cleaner, happier health report.

If you’re on Nginx, you’ll need to take a slightly different approach. Nginx doesn’t use .htaccess files, so you’ll need to modify your site’s Nginx configuration. Typically, you’d add something like this within your server block:


fastcgi_pass_header Authorization;

Then reload or restart Nginx. Easy enough if you have root access and are comfortable tweaking server configs. If not, you might need to get in touch with your hosting provider and ask them to enable passing of the Authorization header.

In rare cases, a security plugin or a custom server-side rule might be doing the stripping. If you suspect a plugin culprit, try deactivating them one by one to pinpoint who’s meddling with your headers. Once identified, check their docs or reach out to support for guidance. Sometimes a simple plugin setting can restore the header’s flow.

The bottom line: “The Authorization Header is Missing” is more a configuration glitch than a WordPress flaw. By adding a few lines to .htaccess or your server configs, you can ensure these headers get through intact. When that’s settled, you’ll be back to seeing a more accurate—and hopefully encouraging—Site Health score. It’s a small tweak that keeps your environment aligned with WordPress’s evolving authentication needs, letting you focus on what you do best: creating amazing content and experiences for your readers.

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